How to Love an American Man

I was optimistic about this book.  I had seen great reviews for it on blogs and on Good Reads. The title sounded a little strange but the concept seemed like it could be sweet.  The main character, Krissy, has never had much luck with love.  She moves to Italy in her late twenties in an effort to evade the frustrations of dating in New York City, but when her grandfather falls ill she moves back to her hometown in Pennsylvania.  After her grandfather passes away, Krissy grows close to her grandmother and learns lessons of how to love an American man.

I would compare the quality of writing to the Twilight series. It sounded like something a high schooler would write and the plot was so predictable from the start it was almost pointless to finish!  The main idea of the book wasn’t awful and it’s based on the author’s own life experience.  However, some of the lessons her grandmother teaches Krissy seem so backwards! Her grandmother’s lessons sounded like something out of The Rules.

I needed an easy read to get myself out of a book funk.  It was definitely easy to read and it certainly has inspired me to pick up something with a little (or a lot!) more depth for my next read.